Firm Signs MOU With UNICROSS On Training Of Automobile Technicians

A leading gas and power company in Nigeria, Blue Stone Gas and Power Limited has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Cross River State for the institution to provide training for Members of Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association NATA and others on retrofitting of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) and Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) vehicle engines with Compressed Natural Gas ((CNG) kits in Cross River State.

The event which took place on Tuesday 25th June, 2024 at the University of Cross River State, Calabar had the Acting Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Stephen Ncha Ochang, the Registrar of the University Mr. Victor Ene, the Managing Director of Blue Stone Gas and Power Ltd Mr. Etim Inyang Jnr, Executive Director Mr. Deji Afolabi and Company Representative in Cross River State Mr. Emmanuel Etim.

Speaking the Acting Vice Chancellor of the Institution, Prof. Stephen Ncha Ochang said he is, excited about the initiative because it adds value to the University. He further stated that the research and development concept which is part of the initiative, is in line with the mandate and focus of the university.

Also speaking, the Registrar Mr. Victor Ene said the choice of the University for the partnership is commendable assuring the company that the university’s commitment to standards is unwavering. He continued that the proposed training in the institution and the retrofitting of vehicles will have profound impact not just on the state economy but also on the environment.

Speaking earlier, the Managing Director of Blue Stone Gas and Power Ltd Mr. Etim Inyang Jnr. said the company is a key player is the areas of gas field development, Power Generation and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) promotion. He further stated that deployment of CNG as a cleaner , cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to PMS and AGO is part of the focus of the present administration both at the national and sub national levels.

Mr. Inyang added that the company chose to partner University of Cross River State because of the excellent standards the University has maintained over the years.

Also speaking, an Executive Director of the company Mr. Deji Afolabi said Blue Stone Gas and Power Ltd is revolutionizing the Nigeria energy market. “We are poised to solve the energy crisis in the nation especially in the transportation sector using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as the ratio of cost is 1 to 5 for CNG and PMS respectively.” Mr. Afolabi stated.

He said the partnership will see the University of Cross River State having a vehicle retrofitting center as well as a daughter station in the Calabar Campus. He pledged that the company will further collaborate with the institution in other areas in no distant time.

The Cross River State Representatives Mr. Emmanuel Etim said Training is an important component of the process and the Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association have been chosen to be trained by the University to upgrade their skills in that area so that they can be certified to retrofit vehicles in the state.

He concluded that the company has no doubt that University of Cross River State will provide excellent learning opportunity and environment for the target trainees, considering the quality of curriculum and facilities and thus contribute to the development of the sector and the state.

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