The Deeper Christian Life Ministry in Zambia remains resolute to offer guidance, mentorship programs and support young people in order to achieve a Zambia of unlimited youth generation, National Overseer John Amoni has affirmed.
Pastor Amoni
And pastor Amoni has bemoaned continued social and sinful practices prominent among young people inhibiting socio-economic growth and limiting young people.
Addressing over 1,300 youths who gathered at the University of Zambia chapel on March 12, 2019 for Youth Day Conference organised by Deeper Life Students Outreach under the national theme; ‘Zambian Youth, Generation Unlimited’ and amplified as ‘Victorious and Unstoppable Youth of this Generation’ Pastor Amoni encouraged young people to connect to God and adopt success principles for long term benefits.
It is evident that the current environment, available resources and increased knowledge have the potential to develop reliable and industrious personnel in all facets of the socio-economic landscape.
The level of information accessed by young people today, could be harnessed to enable them move from ignorance and idleness and stand tall in the current dispensation.
The church is optimistic that the youth generation is the hope for the country, continent and world at large.
Pastor Amoni said the propensity to commit sin by young people who have widely resorted to negative social practice, hinders progress in many areas.
It is was further stressed that young people have a huge responsibility to understand the times they live in and the environment they operate in. It is at this stage parents are expected to take pole position in inculcating good morals that will make young people candidates of greatness.
But the thrust of this bid is said to be the word of God. The message from the Bible is clear as far as leading the young people in the right direction is concerned.
Pastor Amoni pointed addiction to alcohol, substance abuse and pornography, immorality leading to teenage pregnancies, theft as result of dishonesty, and hooliganism among other negative practices common among young people and affecting progress.
He further warned young people against embracing sin as it hinders progress and links young people to the devil.
“The ability God has put within us is immeasurable; we should work and labour to activate it” emphasised pastor Amoni
The participants from various schools were given platform to showcase their abilities through singing, poetry, spelling drill and quiz and winners walked away with prizes.
Through its youth wings; the Deeper Life Students Outreach (DLSO) and Deeper Life Campus Fellowship (DLCF), the Ministry has continued to offer guidance through success clubs while Youth Home Success Fellowships are held in various communities.
Most higher learning institutions have the Deeper Life Campus Fellowship a platform for students to learn the word of God, interact and seek counsel in life.
In addition, Youth Empowerment Summits, Vacation/Holiday Schools, Success Conventions/Camps and seminars have shaped many young people over the years.