By: Shehu Bashir Esq.
This is not the time for anybody to be diplomatic (or hypocritical) with your political leaning. There has never been any critical time to show your colour, fly your pride and pledge your loyalty than now. It should not be a game of waiting, it should be a game of audacity. Political association and loyalty is about audacity.
Therefore, on my part, for the avoidance of doubt, let me reiterate that as of the old so is the new, going forward into the future. My partisan participation continues to be based on my convictions, personal principle, beliefs and ideology.
The original intention for coming this far is the altruistic quest for good governance and better living for the generality of the Nigerian people. I am here because I believe it is better here and will always be better here than anywhere else.
Absolute or perfect good governance may not be realistically, politically guaranteed, as it is in social order, but wishing for or collapsing the house is NOT ethically ideological for a progressive. We do not need to react impulsively to issues that require ideological approach.
Notwithstanding some undeniable complaints especially on “low party structure inclusivity” and agitation for better inclusiveness, our progressive colour remains. APC remains the platform through which we navigate this political earth, come rain, come shine.
This is where I stand and this is where I will always stand. May God continue to spare our lives, Amin.
2015 > APC
2019 > APC
2023 > APC
2027 > APC
2031 > APC